module; import more.c : cint; pragma(lib, "kernel32"); struct WindowsErrorCode { private cint value; @property auto errorCode() const { return value; } @property bool failed() const { return value != 0; } @property bool passed() const { return value == 0; } } struct HANDLE { private uint value; @property bool isValid() const { return value != 0; } @property bool isInvalid() const { return value == 0; } } alias extern (Windows) cint* function() nothrow FARPROC, NEARPROC, PROC; extern(Windows) nothrow @nogc { WindowsErrorCode GetLastError() @trusted; HANDLE GetModuleHandleA(const(char)* ModuleName); FARPROC GetProcAddress(HANDLE Module, const(char)* ProcName); } /** Common return value for os functions. */ struct SysResult { private cint value; @property bool failed() const { return value != 0; } @property bool passed() const { return value == 0; } } /** The generic type that represents a system error code as returned by the `lastError` function. */ alias SysErrorCode = WindowsErrorCode; SysErrorCode lastError() { return GetLastError(); }